On Saturday 11 November
2012 I was unhappy. Seven months earlier
I had experienced an awesome day with family and friends when the ‘Record Ride’
went splendidly well – much more than the New Zealand Record being broken, I
had completed the goal. The day
represented the conclusion of a journey, of not 24 hours, rather 18 months of
my life. Completing that goal and
surviving the journey I found myself to be a new person. I had needed to change a great deal to successfully
complete a task that the previous year I wasn’t (quite yet) equipped for. That was more special to me than a number or
distance set on another day. It was
done. What followed was a much needed
break. And then a rest. And a still longer period of relative
inactivity. Then minimal exercise. And that was about it.
Two days before I started
the 8 Week Challenge I had gone to the doctor, and had explained by
symptoms. I was tired all the time. Sleep was an issue. I was easily distracted. My memory (apparently) wasn’t what it once
was. Each day was a blur, with waking
seeing me in a haze. I craved
sugar. Exercise left me exhausted and
sore. Worst of all, the Stu who had done
all this other stuff wasn’t so much as ‘gone, as ‘lost’ – I was somewhere in
there, however without the clarity to find myself I had little hope of chasing
any goals, let alone mine. The doctor
listened to the symptoms, and considered the diagnosis. The correct answer, (which by the way is
“Stu, you have gotten soft. Get over
yourself, do regular exercise...and stop eating rubbish food”), would have potentially gotten my GP in trouble with the medical fraternity. So instead I was prescribed a couple of
containers of pills.
Amongst all of my issues,
including my weight being a lot higher than it had been in a long time, I knew
I had one thing going for me. My
mind. I was mentally fresh, and I was hungry
– not for crisps or another ice cream – I was ready to seek out success once
more. I looked at the pills, and knew
exactly what the problem was. The ‘much
needed break’ had been needed, and had been taken - months early - and it was
now well past its expiry date. Knowing
what to do wasn’t the issue. I simply
needed the motivation to do it. I’ll
never know if the tablets would have helped.
They were never opened. The way
forward was through a journey – not through a course of medicine and
drugs. I wanted the haze gone. I wanted to start my days with
highlights. I wanted to return to this
other world I’ve spoken of. It was time
to get in shape.
Over the next 8 weeks, I fell in love with the training all over again. The start was a humble one, with speed bumps
encountered and slowing my pace, but never my enthusiasm. The only real negative would be returning
back to where I had setoff from. As the
days progress the good days became great as the weight disappeared. I was slashing literally minutes off my
(previous) BP’s for hill climbs by bike and running, and this is in the context
of doing steady paced hill repeats. What
I liked best was a new found attitude of seeking our experiences and journeys
that lay ahead of me. The fact I was
going faster concerned me very little.
The fact I was able to train all day - and come back for more the next
day – this was awesome and embraced fully.
Numbers ceased to be important to me, as I looked at each session to be
a new way of seeking out this new me.
It was like being young
again. Except this is fitter than I had
been when I was ‘young’, so I felt like I was truly in unchartered waters. My energy levels went through the roof, and I
longed for that next tough session, as I sought out tests to find if I had any
chinks in my armour that needed attention.
I had previously been merely existing, hoping to get through what each
day decided to throw at me - now I was living, and each day brought new tests
that would make me stronger.
This was all about
principles. It still is. You are following, not so much a ‘narrow
path’, rather you're finally setting off across open plains that others have
only viewed from a distance. If aspects
don’t work to your liking, then you’ll adjust, and this will work because
you’ll have your eyes on the horizon – not your feet – and you will know
exactly what you what from this experience.
Here’s what I did, how I
did it, and why it’s so easy to follow...
What you eat is paramount
to your success. The food you consume will set the limits, or limiters (as
the case may be) of what you can achieve, and sometimes you will find bigger
sessions manageable only if you are eating enough of what you need. Eat
too little, (or eat the wrong types of foods), and you may not be able to
complete the training sessions. Eat too much and you will be carrying too
much weight. It’s more than just calories however. Everything you
consume has an influence on how you function.
Refined sugar is the
biggest dietary issue. If you feel like disagreeing, then go cold
turkey. I would rate it harder than stopping smoking. Refined sugar
has only one occasion when it is helpful – an extended training session where
you have experienced a bad batch – a really bad patch – and you’ve found yourself
(for whatever reason) out of energy and desperately needing a pick me up so you
can get back home. That’s it. Yes, I know it’s an essential
ingredient of bread, (and many other food sources we use on a daily basis), and
that’s kind of the point – consume these items only when you need to.
This is a major paradigm shift in the way you eat.
While you’re figuring out
how to bypass foods containing refined sugar, feel free to add ‘carbs in the
evening’ to the list. Carbohydrates are an essential part of our diets,
and to bypass carbs altogether (Aka 'Atkins Diet') is a dangerous game. However,
you do not require a substantial amount of carbs in the evenings, so unless you
have had an evening training session I would suggest a small amount of carbs (i.e.
one potato or small amount of rice) with you meal. Breakfast is another
story, with baked beans, eggs, mince, and cous cous all dished up onto two
slices of toast for my breakfast. The first meal of the day is hugely
Protein is essential for
recovery, and skipping the protein rich meals is a shortcut to disaster.
After workouts you want to get a protein rich meal into you within 20 minutes,
and this should have a short chained carb base. A protein shake with
fruit blended in is an ideal option. In the evenings you’ll be having
less carbs, so balance this with additional protein – half a can of tuna
instead of that extra potato, or additional chicken instead of another scoop of
rice. This is not about cutting
calories, rather consuming nutrient rich foods that will make you better,
faster, and stronger.
Meals should be served in
small portions, with evening meals split and supper being (for example) two
poached eggs on toast. The issue of smaller meals can be a tricky one for
many people, with it being difficult to not load the plate up. Thus, many
people will have a small portion of food (seemingly) lonely on their dinner
plate. I look at this situation in the
opposite manner, with my theory being that you should embrace these instincts to
load the plate to the brim. If need be,
then have it overflowing!! However,this involves a
saucer sized plate. If this sounds unrealistic, consider what you are
wanting from the situation – appropriately sized portions of nutrient rich
foods, that fill your plate. The
psychological effect of a ‘full plate’ is a powerful one, and you’ll feel
you’ve gotten your fair share. (This is one reason why some supermarkets
have only shopping trolleys, with the smaller sized shopping baskets not being available. If you use a shopping trolley you’ll buy
A key theme of nutrition
is to avoid processed food. Your body isn’t able to digest processed
foods as effectively as whole foods. This
means eating lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, and cuts of real meat. (Not sausages and patties – you are seeking
out ‘food’, and not ‘food products’). Whole
foods are often lower in refined sugars and fats (and thus calories), with these
unneeded substances only added to give the food flavour. The artificial flavouring of foods is unhelpful,
as fresh wholesome foods have amazing flavours if you allow the foods flavour’s
to reach you. You also get to know exactly what you’ve eaten if you are
focusing on foods that are simpler and wholesome. Think of food as something you thoughtfully
prepare and cook, rather than something you purchase and reheat. If you don’t have time for this, then
consider that food gives you your energy, life, and health.
My approach is to have one
session each day, with the two exceptions being a 30km commute to work (and
home) by bike providing two sessions, and a scheduled rest day factoring in
once a week for recovery.
It’s been said that I do
lots of training. It’s best to define ‘lots’
before continuing. This doesn’t mean
25km runs three times a week, or multiple 200km bike rides in the weekend. The best approach to training is ‘little and
often’, which gives you both a base and also conditioning for what is to
follow. ‘Little’ can also be redefined
as you get fitter. You know your body
best, and what was a taxing workout early on will have you feeling decidedly
underdone several weeks later. Small
increments are added, and the outcomes measured. Likewise, smaller adjustments may reduce the
session’s duration or frequency if fatigue (or other commitments) plays a part in
the day. You will be flexible and
objective about your progress.
I do lots of running. I become a runner, who happens to also be a
cyclist. Running involves a fair amount
of hills, and this includes repeats up relatively steep climbs, (such as the
water tower in Paraparaumu). Longer runs
feature rolling hills, with a larger hill added (if possible), and the last
portion including sections of beach if the circuit (and tide) allowed. There are very few longer runs that have no
climbs. The only flat runs are recovery
runs, and the goal of these sessions is to get home feeling like I could have
done a lot more. Running has an approach
whereby I’ll run most days, without doing parts of tomorrow’s run today.
Although I prefer hill
running, this is portioned in small amounts early in the training, with larger
servings as the body adjusts. Hill
repeats are thoroughly enjoyed, and you just have to be patient enough to know
that you’ll come unstuck if there are multiple sessions from Week 1.
The pace of the training is
low key. Initially everything for
cycling is done on a ($400) mountain bike that has been converted to a touring
bike, and it is normal for the 30km commute to work to take me 70 to 80
minutes. (The bike has, amongst other
‘enhanced features’, an inner sole from old running shoes duct taped to each
handlebar. Everything is focused on
Cycle touring has a
similar pace, with me completing an average of around 100kms to 125kms per day. There are plenty of (brief) breaks, and I
embrace a mindset of stopping whenever I felt like a quick snack. That said, I seldom stop for an extended
period of time, and I am acutely aware that the day is not over until the tent
is up and tea is on cooking. There is no
rush. Nor should there be. The campsite for that night will feature no
awards ceremony, so the only by product of rushing is a counterproductive one. So in reality there is effectively no true
‘stopping’ – you pace yourself to keep going until you are finished. Until you reach your goal. This is true training. The ability to know what you want from that
session as it relates to your larger goal.
Full body workouts are carried
out three times a week after runs. These
include press-ups (incline, decline, and normal), squats (using sandbags), sack
throws, tyre lifts (above my head), tyre flips (tractor tyre), ‘mountain climb’
(alternating legs while in press-up position), and an assortment of core
exercises. These sometimes have me
feeling shattered during the 30 minute workouts, so I employ the services of ‘Coach
Amy’, (my ten year old Daughter), who shouts instructions for me to improve
what I’m doing if I lose form at any stage.
(Amy took great delight in joining these sessions once she realised that
yelling at Dad during training was not only encouraged, but also rewarded – do
not underestimate the ability of a training buddy to bring the best out of you.).
A firm mental view that ‘Nothing
is going to stop me’ is needed. Every
experience of every day is getting you one step closer to completing your
goal. There is no peaking for an event. No final
weigh-in. No ceremony. Also, there is no procrastinating. This was going to be the coolest experience
from Day One – And it is. Not because these
steps have to be completed, or because it is a goal I have to achieve. This is something to be savoured and
cherished. The centre of your universe
widens and makes room for yet another much loved aspect in your life. And your world becomes bigger. The milestones are not cold numbers on a set
of scales, rather involve a series of amazing experiences that your body not
only completes, but grows stronger from.
Your mindset needs to embrace
the inner confidence that comes from knowing what you are about to do is
right. This means you have a clear
understanding of what will work for you, and also the unwavering belief that the
journey you are starting is an honourable one.
In terms of the correct methods, this means intelligent planning and the
objective assessment of where you are at when you setoff. This self assessment may be an experience
that is not completely without discomfort. However,
you need to know exactly at which point this journey begins.
In addition to this, it is important that you
remind yourself everyday, that what you are experiencing is only suffering if you'd rather be somewhere else. You are doing what you love to do, and this is an incredibly rewarding way to look at the world. You have consciously chosen to follow this
journey because you want to improve and better yourself. Each day is a part of that. Each day is a statement of betterment, and
you have said to yourself, “no matter what happens today I’ll make my part of
this world better”. This is a powerful
level of consciousness.
The mindset required is also
one of moving forwards everyday. As an
analogy, think of any activity you can chip away at, (for example, saving
money, completing a degree, or taking part in a sporting event). Know that everyday you have added another piece
in the larger image of what you want to create.
With this mindset two outcomes will follow. Firstly, you will know that no matter how
little you have achieved in a day, the progress has moved you closer to your
goal, and thus your time was well spent.
Secondly, mistakes that lose you ground are seen as occasions for
learning and bettering yourself. By
focusing on progression and betterment you have a more objective view of each
day. It is one day in your life, and
each new dawn offers you the opportunity to get one step closer to your goal.
You have the ability to
reach your goals. However, one action that
may limit your progress is acknowledging and acting on the negative thoughts
from others. Ignore them, and focus only
on the positives. The positives are all
around you, and some days you just need to look a little harder to find the
gems you seek. This is not ‘hardship’ –
it is what makes you stronger. The
words, “I can do this”, should be on you lips at all times.
Above all else, the
essence of this journey is to remember that you chosen the parameters of what
you want to achieve. This is a test – nothing
more and nothing less. ‘Success’ has
been defined, and is not an abstract notion, rather is a road ahead of you. You travel it one day, one foot step, and one
thought at a time.
I’d love to say that I get a solid nine hours sleep a night, and that my secret is a restful night’s sleep for
months on end. The truth is that I get
by on less than I need at times. Most of us do. Life is
a balancing act and not an exact formula, and so it is important to be aware of
the signs that you need more sleep. I
prefer to train in the morning so I get up early regardless how late I have been
up the night before. In the context of
completing larger blocks of training throughout the week this was not always ideal. However, I’m aware of the signals that
complete rest is needed however, and use these indicators to dictate when more
sleep is needed.
Training is important, and
also important is the ability to recover from the training. I assess how I feel, what stresses exist, and
to what extent they have fatigued my body and mind. I also note if I’m actually recovering from
the training. Look for changes in
concentration, mood, empathy, and focus.
These may be telling signs that you need to get a full night’s sleep –
even if this means skipping (or reducing) a training session to allow additional
sleep in the morning.
At all times I am mindful
that the goal of sleep is ‘recovery’. This
shifts the paradigm from each day’s focus being training, to one of each night’s
sleep allowing a full recovery from the previous day’s training, and thus allows
my very best at a new set of challenges that I will fully embrace. (So 'training' is seen to fit in with 'rest' - not vice versa).
Sleep is a gift. It not only restores your body, but provides you
with the opportunity for it to grow stronger.
Your body is stressed during training, and the recovery period provides
the opportunity for adaptation. Sleeping
is a crucial aspect of ensuring that the training you have completed is
converted into positive results. Get
what you can, and make time for more if you need it.
Recovery is pursuing
activities that will minimise the time it takes to heal your body from the
stresses you created during training.
Sleep is experienced (in varying durations) by everyone. However additional forms of recovery are
often skipped in the pursuit of longer training sessions or fulfilling other
activities and commitments. By being
fully recovered you increase your ability to get fitter. There are two main forms of recovery –
physical and mental.
Physically, you recover by
eating the right foods (covered in Nutrition), forcing toxins out of your body
(for example by drinking lots of water and having ice baths after harder
sessions), and following regenerative activities (such as massages and regular
stretching). Adaptation from the
training is the key to getting fitter, and each day you have the opportunity to
maximise the passive activities that will allow for a maximum amount of
Mentally, you need to
spend time on yourself. This can mean as
little as some quieter time as you stretch after a training session, or can
extend to a one hour timeout in the weekend, or possibly a few days away for a
cycle tour. You are one who is best
placed to know what you need for mental recovery. If you want results, then being mentally
fresh, (and thus hungry for those results), is paramount. Downtime is a way of investing in the
upcoming workouts. The balancing act is
ensuring that you are pushing towards results, while also keeping enough gas in
the tank to provide quality workouts each time you train.
Be Patient
Something people do after
a week or so of starting out on a new exercise regime is to stand in front of
the mirror, and upon seeing very little in the way of improvement they feel somewhat
deflated and letdown. Thus begins a
cycle of negative body image. An
unfounded belief forms that your body is not able to improve, and for some this
is the beginning of the end for their training and weight loss. They feel they have failed, and thus start to
sabotage their training and nutrition, with the truth being that they haven’t
given themselves enough time to see the progress.
Look in the mirror all you
like, but forget about seeing results for a while. Instead, focus on the time you have been pursuing
a better self, and focus on that for your progress. Focusing on ‘time’, rather than ‘results’ is
sustainable, and vastly more positive.
Many options exist. Weighing yourself is an obvious
approach. However this too is
potentially a minefield. Starting your
day with the knowledge that you have somehow magically gained 750grams
overnight everyone’s idea of the perfect beginning to a new day. This lends itself to you feeling you need to
eat less, train more, or a mix of the two.
Thus begins a shift away from your primary goal of 'getting in shape’, and instead creates a mindset of simply 'losing weight'. (This can have additional negative side effects).
A better option may be to give
yourself a finite amount of time to get into shape, and have a mindset that
each day is one step. This can be
accomplished by making off, or counting, your progress in terms of days – and
not weight or body shape.
Grab a calendar and cross
off each day as you reach it, or alternatively (if you want a reminder
throughout the day), get a pack of cards and ensure that the cards are sorted
from Aces to Kings, with the suites in the order of Clubs, Spades, Diamonds,
and Hearts. Each day you take a card,
and you keep it with you, with you are progressing through the pack. A ‘bad day’ is put behind you when you get
your new card, and all the while you are reminded of the finitely of the
situation – there is no room for complacency, and you create a focused and
positive mindset of doing your best for that day. Ultimately, do what works for you.
The alternative is vague
goal setting, which can devalue each individual day, and at worst may create a
view that some days don’t matter. One
off slip-ups become ongoing negative habits if you hold the belief that any
particular day (or moment) doesn’t matter.
They do matter. Or more to the
point your view of those days matters a great deal.
Daily Calorie Intake
Days with multiple workouts were seen as multiple days, so the 'days' on the x axis are simply an indicator of elapsed time.
Daily Training Details
Daily Training Details
There was no set schedule for training, and often I wouldn't really know when my rest day would fit in. When feeling fatigued i'd recognise this as a sign to rest. Likewise, I would do larger workouts as opportunities arose.
Kms CaloriesLts Out Hrs Slp
Sunday Run
and Doctore workout
3.23 2415
21.50 8.50
Monday Ride
from home to
Monday Ride
from work to
29.5 1765
22.25 7.75
Tuesday Run
and Doctore workout
Tuesday Spin
at lunch (Spin
12.5 2881
22.50 6.50
Wednesday Ride from home to
Wednesday Ride from work to
29.5 2556
22.25 9.00
Thursday Run and
Spartacus workout
3.23 2929 22.25
Ride from
home to work
Ride from wk
to hm via Aka's
75 3346
23.50 8.50
Saturday Rest
1941 21.75 8.75
Sunday Run
and Doctore workout
Sunday Ride
with Scouts
29.42 3402 23.00
Monday Spin
at lunch (Spin
12.5 2273
22.25 7.50
Kapiti to Foxton Beach
76.7 2992
21.75 8.25
Wednesday Foxton Beach to
125.95 2331 20.25 9.50
Thursday Taihape to
2672 21.00 7.75
Turangi to
37.28 2125 23.50
Saturday Taupo to
3164 21.25 7.75
Raehiti to Sanson
2786 21.25 7.50
Monday Sanson
to Kapiti
2705 21.75 8.25
Tuesday Spin
at lunch (Spin
21.50 8.00
Wednesday Ride from home to
30.86 1659
Wednesday Ride from work to home
32.24 2328 21.00
Thursday Run and
Doctore workout
Thursday Spin at
lunch (Spin
22.50 7.75
Maungatuks x
2 and home
20.8 3004
23.50 7.50
Saturday Rest
2308 22.50 8.75
Sunday Run
and Doctore workout
3.23 2031
23.75 6.25
Monday Ride
from home to
Monday Spin
at lunch (Spin
Monday Ride
from work to
20.50 9.50
Tuesday Spin
at lunch (Spin
Tuesday Run
and Doctore workout
21.00 9.00
Wednesday Home to work via Airlie
Road 33.36
Wednesday Work to home via Airlie
21.75 8.00
Thursday Home to
work via Airlie Road 34.12
Thursday Work to
22.25 7.75
Run to
Kapiti water tower
2558 21.75 9.25
Spin at
lunch (Spin
bike) 12.5
Saturday Rest
2053 22.50 7.50
Sunday Run –
Intervals, then Doctore
Sunday Run
to water tower then
23.00 7.00
Monday Ride
from home to work
Monday Spin
at lunch (Spin
Monday Work
to home via Airlie Road
22.50 7.50
Tuesday Run
and Doctore workout
Tuesday Spin
at lunch (Spin
21.00 9.25
Wednesday Ride from home to
31.82 2318 22.25
Wednesday Work to home via Airlie
Thursday Run and
Doctore workout
Thursday Spin at
lunch (Spin
22.25 8.00
2353 22.00 8.00
Saturday Aka's
98.9 3443
22.50 7.50
Sunday Run
to water tower and Doctore 10
3018 23.00 6.50
Monday Ride
from home to
work 30.81
Monday Work
to home via Airlie Road
22.00 7.75
Tuesday Run
and Doctore workout
3.23 2498
Tuesday Spin
at lunch (Spin
22.75 6.75
Wednesday Run and Doctore
3.23 2435 22.50
Thursday Rest
1678 22.50 7.75
Blenheim to Whites Bay 62.81
2915 21.50 8.50
Saturday Run up
Wither Hills and Doctore 13.5
3145 21.50 8.25
Blenheim to Tasman
2556 21.50 9.50
Monday Tasman
to Nelson via Motueka 128.1
3011 22.25 7.50
Tuesday Run
around Nelson
5.5 1862
21.75 8.00
Wednesday Run around Nelson hills
11 1857
21.75 8.00
Thursday Ride from
Tahuna to Cable Bay 60.57 2229
22.00 8.00
Run around
Nelson hills
14 3394
22.25 9.00
Saturday Run around
3668 22.25 7.75
Sunday Nelson
to St Arnaud
90.91 1630 21.75
31-Dec-12 Monday Run around Lake Rotoiti 22.5
Monday Cycle
St Arnaud to Blenheim
Tuesday Run
around Blenheim
2.5 1848
Wednesday Run around Wither Hills
18 2926
22.00 7.75
Thursday Rest
2766 22.25 7.75
Wither Hills
12 2875
23.00 6.50
Saturday Rest
2582 22.25 7.75
Sunday Run
to water tower then Doctore16
4409 21.75 8.00
Monday Ride
from home to
31.08 2455 20.75
Monday Ride
from work to
Tuesday Run
and Doctore workout
2550 22.75 7.00
Wednesday Ride from home to
Wednesday Ride from work to
32.19 1961 22.50
Thursday Run to
water tower and Doctore
22.00 8.00
Ride from
home to work
Ride from
work to home
22.00 7.50
Saturday Rest
22.00 8.00
Sunday Run
then Doctore workout
21.75 8.00
Monday Ride
from home to
Monday Ride
from work to
22.00 8.25
Averages and Totals
Average ride – 47kms
per ride on average..
Average run – 8.2kms
per run on average.
Average calories –
2613 calories per day.
Average time for
going to sleep – 10:05pm.
Average amount of
sleep – 7 hours and 57 minutes.
Total bike – 2584kms
Total run – 230kms
Total Doctore
workouts – 17 workouts.
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